
About Medelheim

Thomas Medelheim is a Swedish media producer and artist who is always creating, learning and experimenting with all types of media.  

Thomas has a bachelor’s degree in Music and Sound Production (2014) and a second bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing (2016).


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2023 Music and film producer, freelance work
2022 Live editor for Mittmedia
2015 Film educator for Ung Film Sundsvall and Filmpool Jämtland
2011 Music critic Sundsvalls Tidning
2008 Informational movie producer for Sundsvalls kommun


2023 Drama studies
2021 Higher Vocational Education: Indie Game Developer, Karlstad
2016 Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, Umeå University 
2014 Bachelor’s degree in Music and Sound Production, Mid Sweden University


2022 Launch of card game KAPOW! at Ninja Print Publishing
2020 Launch of music album The Desert Saga II
2018 Awarded with municipal scholarship from Sundsvalls kommun
2018 Launch of music album The Desert Saga I
2017 Theatre musical “Ökensagan” on stage in Erikslund
Launch of music podcast Beardsoup Records


Sundsvalls Tidning den 5 november 2022
Thomas från Indal ger ut eget sällskapsspel

Sundsvalls Tidning den 3 juli 2017
En utvandrarsaga med massor av musik – sommarteater med Ånge Kabaré

P4 Västernorrland den 29 mars 2017
Domino Majestic samarbetar med Ånge kabaré

Aftonbladet den 8 september 2016
Hoppade av drömresa – för miljöexperiment